Contact Us
Important contacts and phone numbers
School Address: 5815 Ox Rd Fairfax Station, VA 22039
- The main office phone number is 703-503-3700.
- The school fax number is 703-503-3797.
- The school office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Fairview ES is part of FCPS Region 4. Visit the Region 4 website to learn more.
- All decisions related to inclement weather cancellations, delays, and procedures are determined by the FCPS central office.
School Web Curator: Shelby Lopez
Staff Directory
- Main Office - 703-503-3700
- Attendance - 703-503-3737
- School Registrar (New Student Registration) - Sarah Fuller | 703-503-3700
- Heath Room - 703-503-3710
- Cafeteria - 703-503-3721
Student Schooling Team
- School Counselors - Jill Corderman and Karen Fructuoso
- School Psychologist - Alyssa Verastegui
- School Social Worker - Lisa Fields