Get2Green is the award-winning interdepartmental environmental stewardship program for Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). Get2Green is supported by staff in Instructional Services, Facilities and Transportation Services, and Food and Nutrition Services, who collaborate to expand access to environmental education in sustainable learning environments.

In 2014, FCPS introduced the Portrait of a Graduate to look beyond the high-stakes testing environment and help students develop skills they will need to thrive in post-graduation life. Get2Green’s work in support of the Portrait of a Graduate is aligned with the work of content area specialists and instructional initiatives such as STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), Project-Based Learning, Global Classroom Project, Instructional Practices, and Service Learning to create tools for interdisciplinary learning. Using the environment as a context for learning, students have opportunities to use their content knowledge and Portrait of a Graduate skills to positively impact their environment.
Learn more about the Get2Green program, find energy, recycling, and greenhouse gas data for each school, and discover resources for engaging in environmental stewardship on the Get2Green website.