Advanced Academics Program
Programs offered at Fairview ES
Fairview ES offers students all levels of Advanced Academic Programs (AAP), including full-time Level IV options for grades 3-6.
Fairfax County Public Schools offers a continuum of advanced academic services for students K-12 that builds upon students' individual strengths and skills and maximizes academic potential for all learners.
Our Advanced Academic resource teacher (AART) collaborates with the school staff to determine the appropriate level of advanced academic services. Parents may refer their child for advanced academic services or get additional information on the screening process or advanced academic opportunities at Fairview by contacting the AART. Ongoing observation and assessment ensures that student needs are being met.
Access to Rigor (Level I): Grades K-6 – All students receive lessons in critical and creative thinking strategies and some AAP curriculum lessons.
Subject Specific (Level II): Grades K-6 – Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons in the general education setting in areas of academic strength.
Part-Time (Level III): Grades 3-6 – Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons in more than one academic content area. The Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) leads these lessons. Programming has increased depth and complexity in several content areas.
Full-Time (Level IV): Grades 3-8 – Identified students receive AAP curriculum lessons full-time. Programming has increased depth, complexity, and pace in all academic content areas.
Referral Information:
Parents are welcome to refer their students for Advanced Academic services.
If you would like to refer your student for Subject Specific or Part Time Services, please use this form.
If you would like to refer your student for Full Time Services, please use this form.
These referrals can also be found in many languages on the FCPS AAP Website.
Monthly Newsletters
FCPS Spring Newsletter
Family Presentations
Levels of Service Family Information Night
Full Time Referral Family Information Night
Our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher
- Gifted Education Teacher, ES