Early Pick-Up
PickUp Patrol
This school year we will continue using PickUp Patrol to help us track dismissals. PickUp Patrol (PUP) has saved us a great deal of time in the office, reduced classroom interruptions and provides you with a convenient way to make changes to your child’s dismissal plans.
Most importantly, continuing to use it will help us ensure that our students are safely dismissed to their correct destinations.
Parents/Guardians who need to occasionally pick up children early from school MUST do so prior to 3:30 p.m. We will not be able to call into classrooms between 3:30 p.m. and 3:55 p.m. for early dismissal. Exceptions will only be made for medical emergencies.
Parents who are picking their children up early from school MUST come to the office and present a valid ID to sign your child out AND receive a printed visitor badge. You may then go to your child’s classroom to meet your child.
Fairview ES will not allow a student to walk home alone during the school day, nor will we release your child to anyone other than a parent or guardian without a written request signed by the enrolling parent or guardian.