Communication: School and Classroom

In order to ensure the greatest learning potential for all students, we recognize the critical importance of consistent school-home communication.


Fairview ES

Fairview Website -

News You Choose - Weekly bulletins sent electronically to your email inbox and twitter feed @FairviewESFCPS

Weekly Keep in Touch (KIT) messages - contains current information specific to Fairview, Robinson Pyramid, and Burke Community

Fairview Socials - follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see pictures and hear about exciting events taking place at Fairview


Individual Teachers

Wednesday Folders - these are folders that go home weekly with communications from school and class work that your child has completed. Folders should be returned on Thursdays for use all year.

Schoology - Each classroom teacher or grade level team has a Schoology page where information specific to that class or grade level is posted including homework guidelines, long term projects, upcoming field trips and grade level events, and learning website links for students.

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Teachers and parents should schedule a 15-20 minute conference during the 1st quarter to discuss student academic and social/emotional progress. Due to November election days (formerly one of the conference days), the parent-teacher conference may be scheduled before or after school on a different day during 1st quarter.

Interim and Quarterly Progress Reports - The quarterly progress report is sent home with students approximately 2 weeks after the end of the quarter. Interim reports are a single sheet that are sent home in the middle of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters

Additional meetings between parents and teachers can occur outside of the regular parent teacher conference format

Email and Phone - Parents and teachers should communicate through email and phone as needed. Please allow 24 hours during school days for teachers to respond to email. Teachers do not have time during the instructional day to respond to email. In emergencies, please contact the main office at (703) 503-3700 to leave a message for the teacher.